
°µTV the Division of Student Affairs


The Division of Student Affairs is dedicated to engaging, developing and supporting students at °µTV. As co-educators, we foster holistic learning environments and collaborative efforts to create a community of care, inclusivity and respect. Our innovative programs and partnerships aim to prepare students for personal, professional and academic growth, empowering them to thrive, lead and positively contribute to local and global communities.


Student Affairs at HMC will be a leading voice in providing transformative student learning experiences.

Values – DSA’s 4 Leading Values:

  • Community
  • Inclusion
  • Respect
  • Care


Experiential Learning

We provide students with tools and opportunities to explore real-life situations, engage in reflective practice, and develop a deeper understanding of their role within society.

Inclusive Communities

Through equity-minded practices, we create a supportive culture where community members can explore their individuality, embrace their authentic selves and build a sense of belonging.

Leadership Development

We provide opportunities that support and increase awareness of diverse leadership styles through involvement, collaboration and cultivation of strengths for transformational change.

Wellbeing and Holistic Development

We empower students to strive for a balanced sense of self through exploration of the 10 dimensions of wellness, innovative and equitable programs and collaborative partnerships.